07 4153 2909 [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

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When is the Toy Library open?

We are open Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday: 9am – 4pm
Saturday: 9:30 – 11:30am

The Toy Library is closed on Public Holidays. The Centre is also closed the second week of state school holidays and also for 4 weeks during the Summer holidays.

How do I become a member?

Come into the Bundaberg Disability Resource Centre and Toy Library during open hours, select the membership that suits you, fill in the membership form, provide ID such as Driver’s Licence and pay the membership fee. You can then start borrowing straight away.

How many toys can I borrow?

Most memberships allow you to borrow 8 items at a time. A variety of organisation memberships allow borrowing of 8, 16 or 35 items.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept cash, cheque and direct deposit.

How do I borrow toys?

Once you are a member you can borrow as often as you like. Come in during our open hours to select your toys or other resources. Then bring them to the front counter to loan out for up to four weeks.
You can also reserve items on our online catalogue using your login and collect them for loan when they are available.

Can I renew my toys?

Toys can be renewed for an additional four weeks, if they are not reserved for another member.

Can I donate toys to the toy library?

We welcome donations of toys, provided they are: Well designed, constructed and safe. They need to be durable, complete, in good condition and easy to clean.

If you have items to donate, please bring them to the library during opening hours for us to have a look at them.

Do you have late fines?

No, we don’t have late fees but we do appreciate the prompt return of loans by their due date. Please contact us to renew the loans or let us know if you are delayed in being able to return the items.

What happens if I lose a toy?

You may be asked to pay for the replacement of item.

Do I need to clean the toys?

Yes, toys need to be returned clean. All toys are cleaned and disinfected by our volunteers when returned.
We charge a cleaning fee of $10 for items that require extra cleaning when returned.

Nobody likes to borrow toys which are dirty.

What else do I need to know?

Battery toys do not have their batteries replenished by the toy library. Please use your own batteries from home and remove them before returning to the toy library. We recommend using rechargeable batteries to minimize the impact on landfill. We test battery functions work with fresh batteries but please let us know if this is not the case.

If you are borrowing a bike, balance bike or scooter your child must wear a helmet when riding it. This is the law in Queensland and a toy library insurance requirement. It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to supply a helmet.

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